At the heart of INESC INOV-Lab’s endeavours lies a multidisciplinary research team, whose expertise is finely aligned with the demands of the data-driven era and digital transformation

Researchers’ expertise spans from fundamental data processing and analysis to technologies adept at leveraging and manipulating data, including big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as advanced techniques for transporting data. Additionally, Researchers integrate emerging data acquisition technologies, such as Internet-of-Things and hyperspectral imaging, coupled with specialised knowledge in cybersecurity, ensuring data protection, their integrity and privacy. This comprehensive skill set serves as a dynamic catalyst to navigate the intricate landscape of data-driven innovation, and cements their leading position at the forefront of data revolution and digital transformation.

Based on their portfolio of competences, research efforts are strategically channelled into three main areas that are related to data in their several dimensions:

Systems and Computing

It is dedicated to the study and development of systems that seamlessly integrate physical components with computational processes.  Work addresses technologies that enable smart and interconnected systems, such as the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, and smart grids.  Additionally, there is a focus on advancing computing capabilities to support these systems, including edge computing, real-time processing, and cyber-physical security measures.


  • Ana Carolina Cardoso Marques
  • Andrei Borissovitch Utkin
  • Elisabete Carreira
  • Gustavo Dinis Venturinha Cercas Lopes Jacinto
  • Helena Alexandra Sabala Ruivo da Cruz
  • Horácio Cláudio de Campos Neto
  • Inês Isabel Fortuna Neves Fernandes da Cunha
  • João Dias Lopes
  • Joel Oliveira Correia Vasco
  • José João Henriques Teixeira de Sousa
  • José Manuel Ferreira das Dores Costa
  • Luís Miguel Teixeira d’Ávila Pinto da Silveira
  • Mário Pereira Véstias
  • Paulo Alexandre Rodrigues Chaves Ferreira
  • Pedro Filipe Monteiro Mendonça
  • Rui António Policarpo Duarte

Communication Networks

It concentrates on enhancing communication networks to support the growing demands of modern society. There is a development of intelligent solutions for improving the efficiency, reliability, and security of communications infrastructure and information, including wireless networks (namely 6G), optical communications, and satellite systems.  The work spans from developing radio channel models to novel protocols and algorithms to optimising network architecture and resource management.


  • Antonio Jorge dos Reis Pereira
  • António Manuel Raminhos Cordeiro Grilo
  • Augusto Julio Domingues Casaca
  • Berend Willem Martijn Kuipers
  • Carlos Nuno da Cruz Ribeiro
  • Cátia Sofia Guerreiro Dionísio
  • Clarisse Rita Afonso Feio
  • Cláudia Sofia Alexandre Sequeira
  • Filipe Duarte dos Santos Cardoso
  • João Paulo do Amaral de Jesus Rodrigues
  • Joel Curado Silveirinha
  • Luís Manuel de Jesus Sousa Correia
  • Manuel Mota Ferreira
  • Maria Manuela Santos Mendes Cordeiro
  • Mário Serafim dos Santos Nunes
  • Naercio David Pedro Magaia
  • Nelson Nobre Escravana
  • Paulo Rogério Barreiros d’Almeida Pereira
  • Pedro Alexandre Pereira Baptista
  • Pedro Dias Ramos Tareco
  • Tiago de Faria Rocha da Silva

Information Systems

It specialises in the development of intelligent information systems that can effectively collect, process, and analyse vast amounts of data.  Research encompasses various domains, including data mining, machine learning, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence. By leveraging advanced algorithms and techniques, there is the extraction of valuable insights from complex datasets and the building of intelligent systems capable of autonomous decision-making and adaptive behaviour, with a specific application to enterprise systems and management.


  • Ana Lúcia Henriques Martins
  • Ana Maria Dias Madureira Pereira
  • André Filipe Diegues Fernandes
  • António Manuel de Jesus Pereira
  • António Miguel Barreiras Pesqueira
  • Armando Manuel Garcia da Silva Fernandes
  • Catarina Duarte Brito
  • Diogo Miguel da Silva Farinha
  • Duarte Nuno Magalhães Dantas Coelho
  • Elcelina Rosa Correia Carvalho Silva Varela
  • Florbela Cunha
  • Gabriel César Ferreira Pestana
  • Isabel Maria Mexia Esteves da Rosa
  • João Carlos Amaro Ferreira
  • João Fernando dos Santos Fradinho Duarte de Oliveira
  • João Paulo Correia dos Santos
  • João Pedro Assunção Varela da Costa
  • João Pedro Beato Antão
  • João Pedro Faustino
  • José Carlos Honrado Pratas
  • José Henrique Pereira São Mamede
  • José Manuel Catarino Barreiros Cascais Brás
  • José Manuel Nunes Salvador Tribolet
  • Luís Filipe Bispo Prates
  • Luís Manuel Simões da Silva
  • Luís Miguel Velez Lapão
  • Markus Hafner
  • Martin Aubard
  • Matilde dos Prazeres Cabaço de Carvalho Ferreira
  • Miguel Ângelo Rodrigues da Silva
  • Miguel Leitão Bignolas Mira da Silva
  • Nuno Miguel Gomes Bettencourt
  • Paulo Carduck Borba Machado
  • Pedro Miguel Fernandes Lamas
  • Pedro Miguel Leão Veloso Dias
  • Pedro Ricardo Leitão dos Santos
  • Pedro Sérgio Horta Pereira
  • Rafael Saraiva de Almeida
  • Ricardo Manuel Duarte Amaro
  • Rita Andreia da Conceição Marques
  • Rodrigo Rodrigues Major
  • Rúben Filipe de Sousa Pereira
  • Sílvia Bogéa Gomes
  • Tiago Alexandre dos Santos Galvão
  • Tiago Moreira de Sousa Marcelino

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