Board of Directors
INESC INOV-Lab has a Board of Directors, formed by 3 Coordinating Researchers and one appointed INOV Board Member:

Luís M. Correia
President | Full Professor, IST

Miguel Mira da Silva
Full Professor, IST

Luís Miguel Silveira
Full Professor, IST

Elisabete Carreira
Executive Board Member, INOV
Scientific Council
The Scientific Council manages the scientific strategic planning, being composed of INOV researchers with a PhD (and relevant levels of activity) and leaders of the Research & Innovation Units (currently 5), to foster the interaction of INESC INOV-Lab’s objectives. The Scientific Council’s board is constituted by the President and two other members:

Augusto Casaca

Miguel Mira da Silva

Martijn Kuipers
External Advisory Board
INESC INOV-Lab has its own External Advisory Board, since its R&D aspects, while aligned with those of INOV, target more specific goals. It advises INESC INOV-Lab in all activities, and it expresses its views on the Annual Activities Report and on the Annual Activities Plan, a site visit being foreseen every 3 years, so that there is a better understanding of the work being conducted and a more adequate interaction with researchers. The External Advisory Board is formed by the following members:

Anthony Rowe
Carnegie Mellon Uni., Pittsburgh, PA, US

Ekram Hossain
Uni. Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, CA

Henderik Proper
Tech. Uni. Vienna, Vienna, AT

Juergen Becker
Karlsruhe Inst. Tech., Karlsruhe, DE

Maryline Laurent
Télécom Sud Paris, Paris, FR
INESC INOV-Lab has other bodies that, on the one hand, support researchers conducting their activity, and, on the other hand, enable to better achieving goals and structuring activities. The coordination of the work of all these bodies is performed by the INESC INOV-Lab Board of Directors.
Review Committee:
Luís M. Correia
Rúben Pereira
Andrei Utkin
Training Committee:
Miguel Mira da Silva
Carlos Ribeiro
Horácio Neto
Career Board:
Luís Miguel Silveira
António Grilo
Ana Madureira
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Commission:
António Leal
Catarina Valente
Ana Abel
Quality Committee:
Joaquim Godinho
António Leal
Patrícia Carvalho
Intellectual Property Rights & Exploitation Committee:
Weronika Figueiredo
Ethics Committee:
Mário Jorge Gaspar da Silva
Isabel Maria de Sá Correia Leite de Almeida
Isabel Maria Martins Trancoso
Duarte Miguel de França Teixeira dos Prazeres
Fernando José Borges Correia de Araújo