INESC INOV-Lab: inauguration session for the new R&D unit
The inaugural meeting of INESC INOV-Lab was held on 2024 July 11 th.
The session oppened with Prof. Leonel Sousa, President of INESC Lisboa, who spoke about how the idea of INESC INOV-Lab came about.
Then Eng. Fernando Moreira, President of INOV, addressed the audience about our institution’s desire to attract and retain new talent, the importance of researchers and their commitment to INOV’s R&D&I activities.
Prof. Augusto Casaca, President of INOV’s Scientific Committee, also addressed the audience with a brief welcome.
Finally, the main presentation was given by Prof. Luis M. Correia, Coordinator of INESC INOV-Lab, who outlined the roadmap of this new INOV R&D unit.
After the initial presentations, a cocktail party was held at Holiday Inn Lisboa with members of the other INESC Lisboa institutes and selected guests.
INESC INOV-Lab has 14 integrated researchers and 68 collaborating researchers, a team of a total 82 people that will continue to grow.